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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

What did I learn this time? EDLD 5317 Edition

Contribution to Your Learning

The score that I am giving myself is an 89.

Key Contributions

I believe that I have done a good job at keeping up with the workload for this class. It has been different coming into an eight week course from all of my previous classes being five week courses. I liked having more time to go through the materials without getting too overwhelmed with college and teaching at the same time. One thing I would like to change is to not procrastinate as much on starting assignments, but I also dealt with Covid during this class which helped cause some of the delay in writing my rough draft.

My core collaborative group consists of Robyn Tompkins, Talor Kinzy, Jennifer Stanley, Kristen Paterson, and myself. We have been together since our first semester of the program and stuck together to all switch to the ADL. As I mentioned in my blog post, Peer Review, we worked together to develop a rubric to be used on grading each others’ article rough drafts. We had certain criteria that had to be met in each category to earn the points. I pulled all of my groups’ articles into my iPad and used the Notability app to make notes as to grammar mistakes or things that I felt could be rearranged to potentially make the articles better. Afterwards, I took the time to screen record my thoughts to send to them. My group communicates through texts and emails quite a bit at times as to encourage each other and make sure assignments are going in the right direction.

As for revisions, I was given some comments on my original outline to make sure to narrow down my topic, use more research, and to focus more on the learning rather than the technology needed. My original plan got derailed a bit, so I asked for advice on Blackboard. Our IA reached out, and she helped me think of a different idea of helping design a flipped classroom instead of the experiences of starting a flipped classroom. Some of my elements of the outlines were the same, but the second one was more focused. I worked on my rough draft of my article meticulously. I spent time trying to make sure that I had the research to back what I was saying. I didn’t get a lot of feedback on my rough draft, so there haven’t been many revisions made when preparing for the final turn in. Because of that, my rough draft is not included on my ePortfolio.

All videos and readings were done early in the class as I was working on my discussion board posts. All due dates have been met for assignments.

Supporting Contributions

Leadership in my base group has been pretty well split between the five of us. Jennifer S. got us started with making the rubric, but we all had a say in what the different categories were. I made sure to give appropriate feedback on the rough drafts for my group even though I had to be a little tough on a couple of them that I didn’t feel were clearly written.

I have participated in all activities and attended all of the mandatory class meetings. The main reason I docked myself was for discussion boards. I posted early in all but one, but the last post was still made with plenty of time left in class. The supporting contribution mentions that answers were supposed to be linked to research and cited in APA. I really didn’t find that the prompts that we were given needed a researched based answer. A lot of them just wanted us to list tools or such that we have used for online learning and recording media. I know now for the last class to try to add in research where it might be needed in discussion boards.

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