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Instructional Design

In the past five weeks, we were given the challenge of developing our own five week course that would be delivered online. For the project, I chose to take a major topic from Algebra 1 and develop a course on Linear Functions. Using portions of my previous UbD plan, I located resources that could be used to teach the different components of the course and selected several different activities that could be used to demonstrate student learning. The following pictures are screen shots from my course that was developed in Google Classroom.

Getting Started.png
Module 1.png
How To Instructions.png
Module 2.png
Course Calendar.png

Overall, I am pleased with how my course turned out. If I were to create another course, I would probably see about using a different Learning Management System. I chose Google Classroom because that is what I am familiar with, but it is not very easy to organize in a logical way. If I had had more time to play around, I would have tried out Canvas because it looked similar to how Blackboard is. I would have liked to have had subtopics instead of having to rely on my students to just go down the list.


As for activities, I would have liked to have located a few more than could have allowed me to make choice boards for students to select from. I know of several activities that could be done, but they wouldn't necessarily would have worked online. They would have been better for a blended or flipped classroom.


There were only a few areas that I didn't know that I got enough done. The getting started portion was supposed to have policies for technology, plagiarism, etc. I created my own little list, but then linked to my high school student handbook where more information could be found. I am also not too sure on what needs to be done to make the course ADA compliant. The score card talked about how screen-readers needed to be able to read the words on a page, and I'm not sure what you'd have to do. I think that most of my stuff wouldn't take long to finish as long as I knew what I needed to do with them.  Below is how I ranked myself on the scorecard.

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