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Leading Organizational Change

This class on leading organizational change has been an eyeopener to me. I never really realized how much work goes into truly being the leader in charge of such a big innovation and doing it the right way. There were many key things that we learned in this class.


First, we learned that we needed to have a clear set of Why, What and How statements. This becomes the main focus of our innovation plan. It becomes the goals of our Influencer strategy as well as the lag measure of our 4DX plan.


Next, we identified our vital behaviors that needed to be followed to influence change along with the six sources of influence that we could use with our teams.


Third, we created our plan for executing these changes using the Four Disciplines of Execution and the five stages of change. These along with our plan for influence will really be able to work together to make the changes that we need to happen.


The last thing we discussed in class was to become a differentiated leader and how to have crucial conversations. We need leaders to step up who are capable of keeping separate from the negativity that usually follows change and lead the team in the meaningful conversations that need to happen. 


Many of these components combine at different times in order to make a cohesive plan to create the right environment for our teams to achieve the needed change that we are trying to create. We will have crucial conversations all throughout the process. We will use the influences to help us bring more members into the team which will then help us move our lead and lag measures for 4DX. Conversations will also be a major part of discipline four of having accountability meetings where we discuss how the plan is going. 


As I move on in this master's program, I hope to continue learning more of how all we are learning continues to tie in for us to eventually put our innovation plans into action.



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