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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

So That Happened...

It's been a few weeks back now, but graduation happened on December 18th! It was a super rainy day in Beaumont, Texas which is strange to a girl from West Texas where it hasn't rained in a long time. I was seat 530 of the last graduation for the semester which was all the masters and doctorates for the Department of Education and Human Development. It took a while, but I finally got to walk up and shake the president of Lamar University's hand. Afterwards, I got to meet my friend Robyn Tompkins. We made it through the whole program with each other after discovering we were both high school math teachers in the first class. We created our podcast together and everything. The rain caused all kinds of kinks in plans, but I loved finally getting to meet her.

If you're a student in the ADL program and you stumble across this page, make sure you find a person or group of people to help you. Robyn and I were the only ones in our group of 5 that decided to walk the stage, but it would have been a lot more difficult to make it through without some teamwork involved.

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