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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Crossing the Finish Line - ADL Capstone

Contribution to Learning

The score that I give myself is a 95.

What worked and what I could have done better. I liked that in this class we didn't have a ton of new things to learn. It allowed us to go back and take a look at our whole journey through the program. As much as I didn't like the idea of doing a podcast in 5317, I enjoyed getting together with Robyn on Flipping Out Over Math again to discuss how the COVA process we've gone through at Lamar has really helped us see a new way to learn. I have learned that actually talking through some of these assignments was way easier than trying to write something clever. Even though it all turned out alright, I could have used my time a little better. I struggled with what I was going to do for the final synthesis for a while, so it began getting too close to the due date for my sanity to handle especially with the semester ending for my school too. This week has had many a late night because of my work and doing what I could for my projects for this class.

Contributions to my Collaborative Group. My collaborative group has been together for over a year now. We fell in with each other during the ePortfolio class, and we've stayed together since then. We all decided to switch over from DLL to ADL at the end of the second summer class so that we could finish in December. Robyn T and I have been together the longest, but we added in Jennifer S, Kristen P, and Talor K. Through the program, we have kept each other sane, proofread every assignment, and blew each others' phones up with text messages and gifs so much that I had to mute it. It's been said that I'm kind of the trendsetter of the group. When others might want to do the minimum for an assignment, I send out mine to be checked, and it motivates them to do a little more. I don't really allow myself to slack on an assignment really, so it's helped push them to do better too. I've been giving feedback to everyone today while we're putting the final details onto our last project of the program.

Revisions to my assignments. There weren't too many to have to worry about. I did add a link to my innovation plan in my COVA reflection as mentioned in the video feedback. At the time of the first submission, I didn't really have a good place to send anyone to in order to find all the elements of the innovation together, so I didn't have a link. For my innovation update page, the only thing that was really mentioned was how it was difficult to read my graphic that showed my timeline for implementation. I went back into Canva and changed the background to a solid color instead of multicolored. I also placed it in as a PDF file so that it could be zoomed in and such as needed.

Completing Readings and Videos. I completed the different readings learning more of where the concept of COVA came from and some of the results of previous DLL group surveys. The videos we had for discussions were good. I like how Drew Dudley says that we can all be leaders since we don't really know how something that we may not remember later can impact someone else (TED-Ed, 2013). Roselinde Torres' (TED, 2014) gave three great questions to consider as we now leave the ADL program to try and become great leaders for our own.

Other Activities and Deadlines. I have finished out all of my assignments in a timely fashion and gotten them in early in most cases. I could have turned my innovation update even sooner, but I didn't. I was just glad that I had it finished already because I lost my grandmother the Tuesday before it was due. Between arrangements for her memorial and still trying to have a normal Thanksgiving, I was glad that I had done the work already. I have been a little slow on some of the discussion posts, but the questions really fit the different tasks. I was better off doing the discussion when I was going to have to think about certain things for the assignment too. I did remember this time that needed a citation, so each of my postings have one even if it had to be added as a comment because I forgot to put it in.


TED. (2014, Feb 19). What it takes to be a great leader | Roselinde Torres [Video]. YouTube.

TED-Ed. (2013, Aug 15). Everyday leadership - Drew Dudley [Video]. YouTube.

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