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Influencing Change

Influencer Strategy Infographic.png

The approach to education has stayed pretty much the same for decades. Students sit in desks while a teacher stands up front of the class teaching them their lessons. Students then get time to practice what they have learned. My innovation plan is to change up how all of that happens.


The hardest part of wanting to change the status quo is to actually change it. It takes a lot of work to create a change that will be lasting. There needs to be a plan in place and influencers to help lead the way.


My Goal

The focus of my innovation plan is to get the teachers at my high school to utilize a flipped classroom. By the 2022-2023 school year, I would like at least 50% of the teachers to utilize interactive videos as a flipped part of the classroom so that in-class time can be used for active learning.


My Vital Behaviors

Vital behaviors are those things that are absolutely necessary for the success of your innovations. My vital behaviors are listed to the left. In order for teachers to feel successful in flipping the classroom, they will need to have opportunities to observe others, be trained in making their own videos, and have a place to meet and discuss how the process is going. It's going to be key that teachers make their own videos because Bergmann and Sams (2015) say that students react better to teacher-made videos because of the connection they have to the class.

Six Sources of Influence on Human Behavior

Grenny et al. (2013) have researched different organizations that are successful in their businesses to determine what the key to their success is. They found that each group had leaders that were very influential. Six sources of influence were determined to exist, and How to 10x Your Influence (2013) said that if at least four are used, the chances of success increase by ten times.


My strategies for implementing the six sources of influence are shown in the graphic to the right. Considerations have to be made on the personal, social, and structural levels of both motivation and ability. Some may seem strange to non-teachers, such as jeans passes, but it's the little things that count sometimes.


Using the Influencer plan, I hope to make a much needed change to how my students learn.

Six Sources of Influence.png



Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2015).  Flipped learning for math instruction. (1st ed.). International Society for Technology in Education.


Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new science of leading change. (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Education.


VitalSmarts. (2013). How to 10x your influence. [Pamphlet]. VitalSmarts.

Vital Behaviors
Six Sources
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