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Instructional Design
Week 3

Outline for second half of course


Module 3: Writing Equations of Lines

  • Class Meeting Link and Agenda

  • YouTube video lesson – Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form.


o   This video teaches students how to write an equation in Point-Slope form from a graph and a table.           The important part is that it shows that point-slope can be used with any point on the line.

  • YouTube video lesson – Convert from the Slope-Intercept Form to the Standard Form.


o   This video goes through the steps of converting an equation in slope-intercept form into standard             form.

  • YouTube video lesson – Convert from the Standard Form to Slope Intercept Form of a Line.


o   This video takes an equation from standard form and converts it to slope-intercept form by solving for       y.

  • practice problems on writing equations of lines and converting them to different forms.

o   Learners will practice writing equations of lines in different formats. They are shooting for 8 correct           answers. Work can be shown on the app for feedback from teacher.

  • Find It and Fix It activity (50 pts)

o   Google Form activity where students are given an equation or a graph along with three statements. They must find out which statement is incorrect and then rewrite it in order to make it correct.

o   Due Friday.

  • FlipGrid assignment (100 pts)

o   Students will be tasked with choosing any two points and creating a video that will demonstrate how         to write an equation of a line that goes through those points. They must start with finding the slope,           writing an equation in point-slope form, then converting it into slope-intercept and standard forms.


Module 4: Working Together on Lines

  • Week 4 Meeting Link and Agenda

  • Flipgrid demonstration peer evaluations (20 pts)

o   Students will look at Flipgrid assignments turned in for Module 3 and choose two of them to critique         to see if the person did the work properly to come up with a correct equation.

  • Desmos Polygraph: Lines

o   Students will need to coordinate a time to meet as a group to join the Desmos classroom platform             and go through this activity. The computer pairs students up to play a game of “guess who” with               linear graphs. Students must ask/answer yes or no questions using vocabulary from the course to            determine which graph was chosen.

o   Request that students meet on Thursday to do activity so that reflection journal can be done by Friday.

  • Performance Assessment (60 pts)

o   Students given three sets of information to write equations of lines from. They must write them in

     point-slope form, slope-intercept form, and standard form. This allows for me to see if they are                   retaining the information from week 3.

  • Reflection Journal post over polygraph activity (20 pts)

o   What types of questions made finding the graph easier? Be specific.


Module 5: Seeking Knowledge to be Shared

  • Week 5 Meeting Link and Agenda

  • Video library task

o   Students are asked to find a video {other than ones used already) that goes over a topic from the unit       to add to a virtual library to be used for review and future classes.

  • Reflection journal (20 pts)

o   How is your video selection helpful in learning or remembering the topic that it goes over?

o   Due by Friday.

  • Formal unit test (150 pts)

o    A test comprised of short answer and multiple choice questions over the topics discussed in the              course.

o   Due on Saturday.

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