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Instructional Design
Week 4

Week 4 of this class has been for finishing up building our 5 week course. I had most of mine finished already, but I did have a few things that had to be made and added to my Google Classroom. In addition to finishing this up, we were given the task of thinking of two other classes that could be transitioned to online at our school. Being a math person, I have a hard time thinking about math being fully online, so I decided to go another direction. Here's my ideas:


  1. English would be a good candidate for online learning. Videos can be used for grammar lessons along with weekly meetings. There are ways to write papers online and do peer reviews and get feedback through Google Docs. Literature can be read online easily where discussions can be done on discussion boards or presentations through Flipgrid. Modules can be made for different areas of the content that students can go through at their own pace and practice the skills needed on sites like IXL.

  2. World History would be another good course to make into an online course. You could use sites like Google Maps to explore different regions of the world and look in on the areas where the history took place. Students could group up and create a collaborative Slides presentation about different historical events and share out during the weekly class meetings which helps to teach the others in the class what they have learned.  Readings can be done and discussed in discussion boards.

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