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Instructional Design Week 1

Introduction:  The linear function family is the first of three function families introduced in Algebra 1. In this course, learners will be learning how to find the x- and y-intercepts along with the slope of a line. They will also learn how to write equations for lines given certain pieces of information using different formats. Investigations will also happen with what happens to a graph when either the slope or intercepts are changed.


Learning Goals:

  1. Learners will identify the x- and y-intercepts of a line from a graph, table, or equation.

  2. Learners will determine slope from multiple representations.

  3. Learners will use slope and intercepts to graph a linear function.

  4. Learners will analyze a situation to determine its rate of change.

  5. Learners will determine how changing the slope or y-intercept of an equation will change its graph.

  6. Learners will write equations of lines in point-slope form.

  7. Learners will convert linear equations from slope-intercept to standard form and from standard to slope-intercept form.

  8. Learners will develop the skills to work effectively with a collaborative group.

  9. Learners will seek out knowledge from different sources.


Desired Results:


Students will be able to:

  • Identify the key components of a linear function from a graph and algebraically.

  • Write equations of lines in different formats given multiple representations.

  • Search for their own resources to help learn mathematic topics.


Audience: My audience will be my Algebra 1 classes which are mostly comprised of freshmen. They will have their own device or a school Chromebook to use.





List and briefly describe in your assignment document the materials you will enter into your chosen LMS below using the space you need:


Getting Started

  • Welcome/Introduction to course video

  • Syllabus with course calendar and grading breakdown

  • Video to show where all the elements of the classroom are


Module 1 – Finding x- and y-intercepts and calculating slope

  • Introduction to module video.

  • YouTube video lesson – Finding X and Y Intercepts for Linear Functions.

  • Practice problems from which allow students to show work and practice the concepts.

  • Teacher-created video on finding slope of a linear function from graphs, equations, tables and when given two points.

  • Slope Matching Trio activity on Google Slides where students are given multiple representations of a line and they must match together pieces that have the same slope.

  • Discussion questions posted to FlipGrid – Which representation is easiest to find the slope on for you? Why is that? What are some of the problems that you have with other methods that cause you to not like them as well?

  • Instructions for How-to Guide – learners will be expected to make a how-to guide for finding intercepts and calculating slope from multiple representations.  They will be given the opportunity to choose which format they would like to use whether it is a Google Slides presentation, FlipGrid, or any other type of media that can be shared with others to help.


Module 2: Graphing Lines and Analyzing the Effects of Changing the Slope and Intercepts

  • Introduction video for module.

  • YouTube video lesson – How to Graph Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept Form and Standard Form – This will be posted with the note that the full video doesn’t need to be watched if you understand after one example, but make sure to watch one example of each type.

  • practice problems posted for practicing graphing lines.

  • Desmos Flag activity – watch a video to determine the rate at which a flag raises and write an equation of a line to represent the height of the flag in regard to time.

  • Desmos Marbleslides: Lines – interactive activity which has students manipulate equations of lines and restrictions of the domain of the lines to collect stars.

  • Post a question in the classwork section of Google Classroom asking them what they learned during the Desmos activities. Have them respond to two other answers.


Module 3: Writing Equations of Lines

  • Introduction video for module.

  • YouTube video lesson – Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form.

  • YouTube video lesson – Convert from the Slope-Intercept Form to the Standard Form.

  • YouTube video lesson – Convert from the Standard Form to Slope Intercept Form of a Line.

  • practice problems on writing equations of lines and converting them to different forms.

  • Writing Linear Functions activity – Google Form activity where students must write equations of lines in different forms based off multiple representations including word problems, tables, graphs, and points.

  • Find It and Fix It activity – Google Form activity where students are given an equation or a graph along with three statements. They must find out which statement is incorrect and then rewrite it in order to make it correct.

  • FlipGrid assignment – students will be tasked with choosing any two points and creating a video that will demonstrate how to write an equation of a line that goes through those points. They must start with finding the slope, writing an equation in point-slope form, then converting it into slope-intercept and standard forms.


Module 4: Working Together on Lines

  • Assign the task for students to look at FlipGrid assignments turned in for Module 3 and choose two of them to critique to see if the person did the work properly to come up with a correct equation.

  • Desmos Polygraph: Lines – Students will need to coordinate a time to meet as a group to join the Desmos classroom platform and go through this activity. The computer pairs students up to play a game of “guess who” with linear graphs. Students must ask/answer yes or no questions using vocabulary from the course to determine which graph was chosen.

  • Reflection Journal post over polygraph activity – what types of questions made finding the graph easier?


Module 5: Seeking Knowledge to be Shared

  • Video library task – students are asked to find a video {other than ones used already) that goes over a topic from the unit to add to a virtual library to be used for review and future classes.

  • Reflection journal on how their video selection is helpful in learning or remembering the topic they chose.

  • Formal unit test – a test comprised of short answer and multiple choice questions over the topics discussed in the course.




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