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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Why Use an ePortfolio?

When I began my first class in the DLL program, I didn't have a clue as to what an ePortfolio was. I spent money on an ePortfolio thing listed on Blackboard, but quickly got my money back after Dr. Harapnuik said we could use whichever platform we wanted. I chose Wix and started out with a pre-built theme. I didn't understand the purpose of an ePortfolio, but it's becoming more evident as time passes along in our classes.

According to Harapnuik and Thibodeaux (2020), an ePortfolio is a place where you get to invest in yourself. You can put all of your ideas in one central location. Building our ePortfolio allows us to have a place where we can share our ideas with others and have a location to reflect on things we are doing for our classes. I have gone back and looked at a few of my old posts along the way to see if there were things I might need to change just due to learning something else. My major project from 5305 is there to go back and review in the future when that innovation plan may finally have a time to try and come to fruition. Dr. Harapnuik (2015) mentioned in his blog that ePortfolios can be used to show a student's growth over time and how connections were made between school work and a student's personal or professional lives. I know that as we continue along with our classes in the DLL program that I will continue to grow in my skills of using an ePortfolio, and hopefully that will show along the way. I am going to try and draw connections between what I am learning in class and what is going on in my teaching. This use of reflection in our ePortfolios helps us to engage in a deeper learning process (Harapnuik, 2019). Our ePortfolios become a concrete way to showing our strengths and commitment to continued learning (Barnstable, 2010). An example of this in my ePortfolio is my growth mindset plan and learning manifesto. I learned a lot about myself in those two assignments, and I gave proof to my learning in writing my blog posts about each topic.


Barnstable, K. (2010, January 8). 41 benefits of an ePortfolio. A Journey of Learning.

Harapnuik, D. K. (2015, May 26). Making meaningful connections in an ePortfolio. It's About


Harapnuik, D. K. (2019, May). Why use an ePortfolio. It's About Learning.

Harapnuik, D. K., & Thibodeaux, T. N. (2020, May 25). ePortfolio why [Video]. YouTube.

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