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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Who Owns the ePortfolio?

In the DLL program at Lamar University, we are given the opportunity to make our own ePortfolios to show what we learn in our courses. We're given no real guidelines as to how it should look or contain. Our ePortfolio is truly ours. I started mine right from the beginning of 5305. I jumped feet first into the deep end by starting out on Wix and rolling with it even for our first assignment, the proposal letter. I started with using their templates and such, but eventually moved into the editor version where I put what I want where I want it to go. My personal voice and personality show through even though I still think of maybe adding more in.

Going through the readings this week, I found it cool that some schools are giving their students their domains so that they can have their own ePortfolios. I just like that the schools were so invested in using this instructional tool that they made it possible for their students to have a personal domain for the ePortfolio to live on. Having your own domain allows you to fully control what get shared out there to everyone else. Yes you are having to write specific things as assignments for a class, but you have the choice on how you want to present that information to your audience. That was one thing that I thought was good about 5305. We could present our ideas in any form we wanted whether it was a graphic organizer, video, or blog post. Having the different options allows students to internalize what they are learning in order to figure out a way to present it in their ePortfolio.

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