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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Round 3!

Let's start by saying that the first two classes have flown by! Here we are in our third class of the DLL program. When we started in August, I didn't have a clue whatsoever about what an ePortfolio even was, and now we have a class that dedicated to working on it more. I remember being super intimidated even trying to figure out where to start at the beginning when we were told we would have to make one. I dove in with Wix from the start using the pre-made type of page, but as we needed to add different things in Dr. H's class, I started using the editor version. It took lots of playing around with things, but I am pleased with what my ePortfolio looks like so far. I am glad that we have some time in this class to play around with our ePortfolios to try and make them more user friendly and appealing to others. I haven't had enough time to really see if there were ways I could make it run a little more smoothly.

I have learned by looking at some of the examples provided that the ePortfolios are where we are going to show how much we've learned in this program. By the time we have completed the DLL program, we will have a wealth of evidence to share with those who desire to know more about our degree has taught us. We get to demonstrate our use of the COVA principles in our ePortfolios all the time. We each own our own ePortfolio and our voice is expressed in any way we have chosen to do it.

Things I want to do with my ePortfolio:

1. See if there are ways to better navigate through the pages.

2. Add more of my personality to the pages. I like colors and such, so I'd like to see about doing more without going too crazy.

3. Start thinking more on what I can contribute to blog posts. Practice on my writing because sometimes my thoughts don't like coming out where others can see them.

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