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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Out Whirling the Whirlwind to Achieve our Goals

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

4DX has such a great metaphor for the daily craziness that we deal with..."Whirlwind." The whirlwind is constantly spinning around us. My day consists of waking up, working out, getting ready for work, getting myself and the kiddo to school, teaching, grading, lesson planning, meeting, and every other thing that gets thrown in. After school, there's tutoring, driving home, figuring out supper, working on college, etc. There's not a lot of time for relaxation except for times that I carve out. I burn the candle at both ends handling it all. The 4DX plan is to help us create an execution plan for our WIGs so that we can actually achieve the changes we desire to make.

  • 4DX starts with our Wildly Important Goal(s). I can really see why the authors say to choose only 1-2 goals to focus on at one time. The more you have on your plate, the more won't get focused on which may make a goal fail. The goal needs to be specific down to when it needs to be accomplished by.

  • Next, you must identify your lag and lead measures. These are the levers that get your goal to rolling. Your lag is your big measure that may take a while to see the results of. The comparison to the goal of losing weight was a good one. Everyone wants to lose weight, but you have to set lead measures also to help. The lead measures are things that can be measured right then and there to make our goal move.

  • Scoreboards are important in sports, and we need that visiual motivation to help us see how we are progressing towards our WIG. Continuing a process is easier if you can see that positive change is happening. In these days of COVID, we need all the positivity we can find.

  • Most importantly, we need to have consistency. The 4DX model says that we need to have at least weekly accountability meetings where the whirlwind is left out. Focus on the lead and lag measures and setting individual goals to keep moving the scoreboard in the right direction. Consistency is key because you can't let that whirlwind destroy all the progress that has been made. If meetings start being skipped, then the accountabiity isn't there any more on creating the change desired by your WIG.

To check out my 4DX plan, please go to my Leading Organizational Change page under Projects.

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