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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Learning Networks - Teachers Still Have to Learn Too

Updated: Nov 3, 2020

I will admit that I don't have a lot of learning networks at the moment. I obviously think about school outside of school, but I don't always have that kind of thing of my social media. I do know of a few groups and sites that are helpful, but I am definitely looking through everyone else's lists to see what their favorites are and adding them in.

As for my participation in those groups, mainly I am a receiver of information. I do help out with questions that I know the answer to or have advice about.

Facebook Groups

Texas Math Teachers - This group is for Texas Math Teachers. It's not too big or active, but it is a place where math teachers can go on and ask questions on how to approach teaching certain topics and such.

Bitmoji Craze for Educators - My district asked us to create a virtual classroom where stuff could be shared to families this summer, and one of my coworkers shared this group with us. It has all sorts of virtual classrooms that have been built with digital libraries and all sorts of stuff. It was a lifesaver when trying to figure out how to set up my own little virtual classroom. group - A group that has different education related posts on it.

Websites - A site with different blog posts about education, practical advice, teacher giveaways, etc. It has interesting posts from time to time. - I had the privilege of being asked to go to this conference back in February 2020 in Austin right before Covid hit. It was a great educational technology conference with all sorts of subjects and levels being discussed. I got to see demonstrations of different technologies that I didn't know existed. If you're a member, you get a weekly letter on Tuesdays about different technology ideas and such. - This is an amazing resource website! If you're struggling to find a way to teach a specific topic, someone has probably made an activity or lesson and posted it. Most of the contributors are really responsive to any questions you may have or corrections or additions you might see need to be done.


Gerry Brooks - He's a principal in Kentucky who is known for his videos that reenact conversations and other things that happen at school in an exaggerated Southern accent. I got to see him speak at TCEA in February, and he is very inspirational under the humor.

Personal stuff

BOD: Members Only - One of a few groups dedicated to Beachbody On Demand Members that I'm a part of to help encourage each other with our fitness goals. I've been doing these different programs on BOD for over a year which has helped me physically and mentally through stressful situations.

Bits of Life - A women's group mainly in the Panhandle of Texas (but I know there's others too) where women can ask advice on different topics. I was added in by my sister when they were talking about wedding registries right as I was about to start mine back in January.

That's it for now, but I'll add more if I find anything else interesting.

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