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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

Final Thoughts of Concepts of Educational Tech

Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Growth mindset is a big part of the Digital Learning and Leading program. We are being exposed to new learning styles, like COVA, in all of the courses which is causing us to really stretch our skills. When taking our first class, 5305, I really struggled with how we were thrust into the COVA learning model. I've never really been given control over what I could do and the different ways to do it. I like guidelines and instructions about what I should do and when I should do it. I have learned to be unafraid of failure but fail forward if something does happen. Use the struggle as a stepping stone to learning to do things better. I have to remember that just because I don't understand it now doesn't mean that I won't eventually understand it. That's what the growth mindset is.

After two classes in the DLL program, I am beginning to see that everything will be a student choice type project where we're expected to come up with an authentic product that can be used in our careers. It has been nice to be creating projects that are truly mine and have a real authentic value to my life. I get to choose my own pathway of doing things.

Everything I have learned so far is leading me to think that the way I teach needs to be changed. My students need to know about growth mindset. They get defeated so quickly by topics that are difficult. They need to realize that they just don't understand it "yet." I also need to find a way to let my students have more choice and voice in their learning. Teaching an important core subject makes it hard for me to change things beyond the normal. It will take some research on my part to try and find ways to get more authentic learning into my classroom.

I am looking forward to seeing what comes next in the program and how it can help me to continue to grow in my personal and professional life.

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