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  • Writer's pictureJennifer T.

End of Round Three!

Wow! Three classes down already! This first semester of the DLL program has flown by even though sometimes it felt like I was about to go crazy. I like the format of one class at a time through this so we're not worrying about deadlines for multiple classes at once. It's crazy enough with going to college and teaching high school. I've learned so much in the past few months.

I have learned perseverance first of all. Disruptive Technology was such a difficult class to be thrown into for the first class of the program. I felt like we were pushed off the high dive into COVA before we even knew what COVA was. It was so difficult trying to come up with a project that I can expand on in future classes, but I made it happen. See my Disruptive Technology Project page for more details on that. Some of us got our beginnings of our ePortfolios in that class. I jumped into learning Wix at the very beginning and ran with it. My beginnings were a little crude, but they effectively showed my work as needed.

Our second class was Concepts of Ed Tech. I really was able to take a look at myself in that class. We learned about Dweck's growth mindset. I had heard of pieces of it before, but I enjoyed learning more about it and creating my growth mindset plan. We dove deeper into becoming a more effective teacher and created our learning manifestos which allowed us to voice our opinions on education in general along with digital learning. We all got a chance to share our learning networks which really gave me some new groups to look at. One in particular that I like is Teachers Using Google Suite for Education - GEG Virtual. If there is something that you don't know how to do on Google, you can go here, ask your question, and other people really help you out.

The last class of this semester has been Applying Education Technology. We finally got a chance to really take the time to develop our ePortfolios. I know that I have made some changes in my page that have helped the overall looks and functionality. I have a core group of classmates now that I can get advice from which has helped a lot. We catch each others' little mistakes in the pages and give suggestions on how to make things better. I know that we'll have each others' backs as we continue in the program. I didn't change platforms because I'm satisfied with mine. I know a lot of what is available to be used now on the pages.

As we move on into the next classes, I will continue to use my ePortfolio and expand it further so that I can reflect the new learning I am getting. Hopefully, I will continue to get better at expressing myself in blogs so that it doesn't sound like I'm just writing to get the checkmarks. My ePortfolio will stand to be my digital documentation of the things that I am learning and hope to apply at my school or future endeavors.

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