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Action research
plan outline

Topic of Research

The topic of my action research plan is to see if students can successfully learn math using a flipped classroom.


Purpose of the Research

The purpose behind my innovation plan and the research that will go with it is that my students have struggled with traditional learning methods due to the short, 47 minute class periods that we have. We don't have time to do activities that allow for discovery and mastery, so I would like to utilize a flipped classroom method to free up some time in class for these types of activities that create the opportunity for deeper learning.


My Research Questions

  1. What is the impact of using a flipped classroom model in the achievement of secondary mathematics students?

  2. What are the students' attitudes and engagement within a flipped mathematics classroom?


I chose to do two research questions because the two of them are connected. If students don't have a good attitude and refuse to engage with the elements of the flipped classroom, then achievement will not happen.


What is your Research Design?

I will be utilizing the Triangulation Mixed-Methods design for my action research. I feel that this will be the most appropriate method since I will be taking both quantitative and qualitative data at about the same time so that I can see how they tie into one another. Triangulating the data will show how things are connected and make the findings more valid.


What is the most appropriate type of data to collect? What are the measurement instruments?

  • ​The quantitative data will come from unit test scores, NWEA exams, district benchmarks, and our STAAR End of Course Algebra 1 test.

    • NWEA is given three times during the school year, so this will be able to show how students are growing throughout all of the  topics of algebra. 

    • Information will also be gathered on student engagement with flipped lessons by looking at the mini-quizzes at the end of each.

  • The qualitative data will be coming from student surveys and teacher observations.

    • Student surveys will be similar to Likert scales to determine how they felt the flipped lessons are going. 

    • Teacher observations will be written down in a journal or Google Doc file to refer back to when analyzing the data.


What is the focus of your innovation topic and literature review?

My previous literature reviews have looked into how flipped classrooms work and their effectiveness. My literature review this time will look at research done by others utilizing the flipped classroom model to see what kinds of results they saw.





Mertler, C. A. (2020). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators. Thousand

Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications


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